Saturday, December 28, 2019

How Cell Phones Affect Social Behavior - 1282 Words

Effects of Mobile Phones on Social Skills Kelly Schriever, Matt Seeberger, Mary Sweet, Emily Putnam Elizabethtown College March 17, 2014 Today we live in a world where communication through modern technology is almost required. Everywhere people are texting, emailing, writing blogs, and tweeting. It’s hard to go anywhere without seeing someone using a phone or the internet to connect with others. Most people would feel lost without the use of their phones. Of course the use of technology can be good. It provides us with a faster, more efficient way to communicate with others. They also allow for easier communication with others that live far away, but many argue that modern technology,†¦show more content†¦926). Therefore, the feeling of loneliness will not disappear with one successful conversation, but rather with the practice of multiple face to face discussions, which ultimately builds relationships. If these relationships aren’t built and low self-esteem persists, then people are more likely to continue to use their cell phones as a way of communication, which could eventually lead to cell phone addiction (Hong, 2012). Cell Phone Addiction Not only does cell phone usage hinder relationships and cause loneliness, but it is also very possible to develop an addiction to your phone. Mobile phone addiction can occur for many reasons, all which directly relate back to loneliness. Hong (2012) found that one reason for cell phone addiction comes from the use of social media influences. These include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. All of these social media sites use numbers as a way to determine your popularity. How many Facebook friends do you have, how many retweets can you get on Twitter, how many people like your picture on Instagram? The higher of a number people receive on each of these sites, the higher their self-confidence will be. If a person’s self-confidence is greater due to an app on their cell phone, the more likely they are to use their cell phone to make them happy, which leads to addiction.Show MoreRelatedCell Phone Addiction Essay1429 Words   |  6 PagesThe cell phone has be come a centerpiece of everyday life as cell phones are evolving and have been increasing their functionalities. Today, we use them today for many others reasons than what cell phones were originally designed to do. People are using them so often that they are becoming dependent on their phones that they have even become addicted to them. Those who are addicted to their cell phones struggle to stay away from them for a certain period of time and become so indulged in all of theRead MoreThe Negative Impact Of Cell Phones On Society1074 Words   |  5 PagesToday phones are an important part of society. Everybody seems to have a phone, people can generally observe somebody messaging, on the internet or just making a quick call. 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Nowadays due to the over usage of cell phones we often find ourselves wasting too much time on it, obesity growing in teenagers, distant relationships with people etc. after researching we found that the increasing usage of cell phone has a great effect on students studying in high schools or collages such as their behavior, dropping grades etc. Concerns about dependency on mobile phones corresponded toRead MoreThe Effect Of Wireless Phone Radiation Risks On Human Health753 Words   |  4 Pagesbetween the bell and subsequent food is a learned behavior. This response could be reversed through deconditioning when the reward is removed. In order to receive cash the Oprtunidades participants learned healthier behaviors by being conditioned over ten years that the program provided conditional cash transfer to them. When the CCT program was eliminated it could have reversed the process of learning th at took place over ten years due to the social consequences of living in poverty and environmentalRead MoreCell Phones are Higlhy Addictive1431 Words   |  6 Pagesbillion cell phone subscribers in the world. (â€Å"UN says world has 6 billion cell phone subscribers, 2.3 billion Internet users†). With a number this high one must ask whether or not cell phones are more beneficial than they are harmful. Everyone recognizes the benefits of cell phones, but how often does society acknowledge the harms that cell phones induce on the public. The simplicity of communication through the use of cell phones does not outweigh the distractions caused by cell phones, becauseRead MoreThe Social Impact of Cell Phones Essay1465 Words   |  6 Pagesclosest thing to â€Å"cellular technology† was a car phone made by the ATA Company but, Martin and his determined Motorola group yearned higher heights and deeper depths for communication- and thus the birth of the first cell phone was in process. Cooper wanted to exceed the limitations of just simple â€Å"car conversation†. After consistent tedious hours of production, lasting a several month long period of building, critiquing, and finalizing, the first cell phone was born. The first mobile device was the sizeRead MoreCell Phones Have Become A Necessary Part Of Society928 Words   |  4 PagesCell phones have become a necessary part of society. At least any teenager will tell you so. Many Americans have cellular devices, but the main age group I’d say ranges from thirteen to twenty-five years old. These are the ones who depend on cell phones to communicate with others. Cell phones were originally created to be a phone you can use on the go to make calls instead of using a landline, however; these crazy devices have now added features such as calculators, alarm clocks and even note padsRead MoreAn Evaluation Of External Locus Of Control929 Words   |  4 Pageseverything that occurs to them. Oth er individuals believe in a higher power that predestines them to a certain fate. There are still yet some individuals who fall in between both aspects of personality studies. A non-complex description of this is how my religion can be evaluated through the locus of control. I know a tad surprising, but religion just like in many aspects of the world places an enormous amount of emphasis on what I say or do each day. When I go to Sunday mass, I feel more relaxed

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Declaration Of Independence Of The United States Of...

Throughout our course readings, lectures, class examples and so forth, we have identified multiple flaws in some of our oldest documents, which has served as the foundation of Justice in the United States of America. However, throughout history we’ve also witnessed and learned about events, presidential terms, and cultural and demographic evidence that show how the Pillars of Citizenship have not successfully worked toward the achievement of significant milestones that pertain to nationalization, globalization and equality up to this very day. The Declaration of Independence states that every citizen is granted the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Furthermore, it marks the groundbreaking turning point in American history where the United States gained its independence from the British Government. Since then, the Declaration of Independence argues on the people’s behalf for civil protection, and to a certain extent, negates government power. Embedded in t he Declaration, it states â€Å"whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends (revolution), it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it† and â€Å"it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security† (Week 2 Foundations and Contradictions ppt.). However, counter to all of the positives in the Declaration of Independence, which is perceived as a well-respected document that ensures each person’s right to life, liberty andShow MoreRelatedThe Declaration Of Independence And The United States Of America Essay1431 Words   |  6 PagesThe Declaration of Independence allowed the colonies of the United States of America their own governmental structure. After the war with Britain, the United States sought out a structure giving the citizens of America their own rights. These rights include: freedom of speech, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, freedom of religion, t he ability to make their own decisions, own form of government and taxation and more. The declaration was made by the merchant class of America, the foundingRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence And The United States Of America1062 Words   |  5 Pages The United States of America is known as a place of God-given rights and equality for a diverse group of people. Since the founding of America, it was built off of the blood, sweat, and tears of immigrates. Yet, since the primeval years of this nation’s commencement, African American women rights have been adjusted or eliminatedRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence And The United States Of America Essay1411 Words   |  6 Pagesour oldest documents, which have served as the foundation of the United States of America. Throughout history we’ve witnessed events, presidential terms, and cultural and demographical evidence that show how the Pillars of Citizenship have not successfully worked toward executing the achievement of important milestones amongst nationalization, globalization and equality up to this very day. The Declaration of Independence states that every citizen is granted the right to life, liberty and pursuitRead MoreThe Declaration of Independence of the United States of America3256 Words   |  14 PagesIN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separationRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence And The Second President Of The United States Of America1656 Words   |  7 PagesThomas Jefferson, writer of the Declaration of Independence and the third president of the United States of America, was born on April 13, 1743. The future president was born to the parents of Peter Jefferson, a well-known and successful planter, and Jane Randolph, a prominent member of a very well-known and distinguished Virginian family. Jefferson was the third of ten children who were raised on the Shadwell slave plantation in Virginia. Starting from the early a ge of nine, Thomas Jefferson beganRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence : What Shaped And Provided The Freedom The United States Of America1030 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract The declaration of Independence is what shaped and provided the freedom the United States of America has today. The Declaration of Independence today is looked at a symbol for America to reflect on as it paved the way for most of the rights we have today. This document has been fundamental to american history longer than any other text because it was the first text to use â€Å"The United States of America† and in a sense the Declaration was the birth certificate of the American nationRead MoreGovernmental Foundation in the Declaration of Independence Essay867 Words   |  4 PagesJuly 4, 1776, the United States of Americas Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This document, primarily written by Thomas Jefferson, announced that the thirteen colonies were declaring their independence and, in doing so, were independent states apart from the British Empire. The Declaration of Independence is comprised mainly of colonial grievances and assertions of human rights. The Declaration of Independence formed a profoundRead MoreThe Declaration of Independence: Americas Foundation Essay example1229 Words   |  5 Pagesissue the Declaration of Independence being a legal document has been up for debate in courts for many years now. Although, the Declaration of Independence clarifies the United States identity as a free nation, it has generated intense controversy. Some feel strongly that it did not clearly define the new powers that the thirteen colonies would acquire and did not define the identity of the United States; while, others firmly believe that without the Declaration of Independence the United States wouldRead MoreThe Declaration, Facts And Emotions909 Words   |  4 PagesThe Declaration, Facts and Emotions for Independence The 4th of July, the United States of America’s very-own birthday, a day of celebration of its citizens God-given rights and liberties, and its independence from the crown of Great Britain. If America was â€Å"born† on the 4th of July in the year 1776, then The Declaration of Independence could be considered its very own birth certificate. The Declaration of Independence, as time has proven, is one of the most successful arguments ever made byRead MoreThe Declaration of Independence1200 Words   |  5 Pages The Declaration of Independence is one of the most remarkable documents of the United States of America. The elaborate document contains almost fourteen-hundred words including a basic structure divided into two parts and within the two divided parts contains four main ideas within seven components. The declaration is not just any standard written document; it is a work of art painted by colonists who are driven by rage because of King George III of Great Britain injustices’ toward the colonies The Declaration of Independence of the United States of... IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights,†¦show more content†¦He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation: For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States: For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world: For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent: For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury: For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies: For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments: For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works ofShow MoreRelatedThe Declaration Of Independence And The United States Of America Essay1431 Words   |  6 PagesThe Declaration of Independence allowed the colonies of the United States of America their own governmental structure. After the war with Britain, the United States sought out a structure giving the citizens of America their own rights. These rights include: freedom of speech, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, freedom of religion, the ability to make their own decisions, own form of government and taxation and more. The declaration was made by the merchant class of America, the foundingRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence Of The United States Of America Essay1481 Words   |  6 Pageswhich has served as the foundation of Justice in the United States of America. However, throughout history we’ve also witnessed and learned about events, presidential terms, and c ultural and demographic evidence that show how the Pillars of Citizenship have not successfully worked toward the achievement of significant milestones that pertain to nationalization, globalization and equality up to this very day. The Declaration of Independence states that every citizen is granted the right to life, libertyRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence And The United States Of America1062 Words   |  5 Pages The United States of America is known as a place of God-given rights and equality for a diverse group of people. Since the founding of America, it was built off of the blood, sweat, and tears of immigrates. Yet, since the primeval years of this nation’s commencement, African American women rights have been adjusted or eliminatedRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence And The United States Of America Essay1411 Words   |  6 Pagesour oldest documents, which have served as the foundation of the United States of America. Throughout history we’ve witnessed events, presidential terms, and cultural and demographical evidence that show how the Pillars of Citizenship have not successfully worked toward executing the achievement of important milestones amongst nationalization, globalization and equality up to this very day. The Declaration of Independence states that every citizen is granted the right to life, liberty and pursuitRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence And The Second President Of The United States Of America1656 Words   |  7 PagesThomas Jefferson, writer of the Declaration of Independence and the third president of the United States of America, was born on April 13, 1743. The future president was born to the parents of Peter Jefferson, a well-known and successful planter, and Jane Randolph, a prominent member of a very well-known and distinguished Virginian family. Jefferson was the third of ten children who were raised on the Shadwell slave plantation in Virginia. Starting from the early age of nine, Thomas Jefferson beganRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence : What Shaped And Provided The Freedom The United States Of America1030 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract The declaration of Independence is what shaped and provided the freedom the United States of America has today. The Declaration of Independence today is looked at a symbol for America to reflect on as it paved the way for most of the rights we have today. This document has been fundamental to american history longer than any other text because it was the first text to use â€Å"The United States of America† and in a sense the Declaration was the birth certificate of the American nationRead MoreGovernmental Foundation in the Declaration of Independence Essay867 Words   |  4 PagesJuly 4, 1776, the United States of Americas Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This document, primarily written by Thomas Jefferson, announced that the thirteen colonies were declaring their independence and, in doing so, were independent states apart from the British Empire. The Declaration of Independence is comprised mainly of colonial grievances and assertions of human rights. The Declaration of Independence formed a profoundRead MoreThe Declaration of Independence: Americas Foundation Essay example1229 Words   |  5 Pagesissue the Declaration of Independence being a legal document has been up for debate in courts for many years now. Although, the Declaration of Independence clarifies the United States identity as a free nation, it has generated intense controversy. Some feel strongly that it did not clearly define the new powers that the thirteen colonies would acquire and did not define the identity of the United States; while, others firmly believe that without the Declaration of Independence the United States wouldRead MoreThe Declaration, Facts And Emotions909 Words   |  4 PagesThe Declaration, Facts and Emotions for Independence The 4th of July, the United States of America’s very-own birthday, a day of celebration of its citizens God-given rights and liberties, and its independence from the crown of Great Britain. If America was â€Å"born† on the 4th of July in the year 1776, then The Declaration of Independence could be considered its very own birth certificate. The Declaration of Independence, as time has proven, is one of the most successful arguments ever made byRead MoreThe Declaration of Independence1200 Words   |  5 Pages The Declaration of Independence is one of the most remarkable documents of the United States of America. The elaborate document contains almost fourteen-hundred words including a basic structure divided into two parts and within the two divided parts contains four main ideas within seven components. The declaration is not just any standard written document; it is a work of art painted by colonists who are driven by rage because of King George III of Great Britain injustices’ toward the colonies

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Nature of Order and Justice in International Politics

Question: Describe the Nature of Order and Justice in International Politics. Answer: According to Hedley Bull, order means that there are some certain things that contain some noticeable principles. To be more specific, it is a pattern that takes us to a particular outcome. This pattern can also be viewed as an arrangement of some sort of social life as it contributes to some certain values and goals in every society. However, the importance of the pattern is subjective. We have three unifying and underlying social objectives which are as follows; All the societies want to be sure that their life will at least be in some measure that will secure them against all the violence that might occur to them like bodily harm or death for that matter; the societies need to be sure about whether the promises or agreements made to them will be fulfilled, kept or undertaken by the government or politicians; the societies want to be assured that all their possessions and things will at least remain stable to some extent and will not encounter any challenges that do not have limits and at the same are also constant (Andreopoulos Carey, 2016) . All these issues of concern are so vital and important to the society, as they are the ones that make up our society. These issues are known to be primary because we have other goals that also pre-suppose the fulfillment of the same issues. These issues are widely classified as universal issues due to the fact that all the societies want them to be accounted for. These goals are so important and valuable to the society as they are independent of rules and also provide predictability to the human life. International order can be defined as patterns of activities that are able to sustain primary or elementary goals in a society of states. State on the other hand, may be described as an independent political system that asserts her sovereignty and has a government in a specific part of the earths surface and a unique segment of people. World order is defined as dispositions or pattern of people who engage in activities that sustain their primary or elementary objectives of their social life among the other people as a society. World order is considered to be wider than international order as it includes a more broad world political system of which have state systems as part of it. The world is the main contributor in the achievement of order among the people and nations. In his research, Hedley Bull tells us that they are simply a part of the history records of the international relations between nations (Eric, 2010). He believes that developed countries have already developed and will not stop developing not only to come up with an international system but will go as far as forming an international society. For so long, an idea of forming an international society has always been there. This is evidently being reflected in the todays international reality. However, this has not been an easy ride by those who are pushing for this idea due to some limits by the international societies. The idea of international society gave rise to three philosophical strands about the international systems. These three strands are Grotian internationalist tradition, the Hobbesian realist tradition, and Kantian Universalist tradition. Hobbesian views the creation of an international society as a state of war against all with a zero-sum game in legal and moral vacuum. The Kantian views international society as a cooperative community of people who have moral imperatives and a non-zero-sum game that is aimed at replacing the state system with a society that is cosmopolitan. The Grotian strand is considered to be unique as it stands between the Hobbesian and Kantian strands. The Grotian strand defines the sovereign states as the fundamental reality when it comes to the international politics and views the game as partially productive and partially distributive with both rules of expediency, imperatives, morality and law binding the game (Gillian, Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Account, 2009). According to experts, we should ask ourselves whether these thoughts really conform to the current international reality. When we take a look at the element of the society, we see that the modern international systems reflect all the elements that have been singled out by the Kantian, Grotian and the Hobbesian. These elements are; the element of struggle and war to have power among nations by Hobbesian; the element of conflict, transnational solidarity by Kantian, and finally the element of regulated intercourse and cooperation amongst the states. However, when it comes to geographical theaters of state systems, historical and policies of different statesmen and nations, one among all these elements may end up dominating over the others (Gillian Harry, The Political Philosophy of Cospolitanism, 2005). Many countries often give some respect to the basic rules of existence when it comes to the international society. This can be seen in the procedures of international laws, mutual respect for sovereignty, and the diplomatic system of representation. For instance, in the past, people that were seeking an avenue for negotiated peace or wanted to draw some attention to their common interest of their existence for example during the cold war, the second world war, Grotian just war and the Spanish Conquistadors. For many years now the topic on international distributive justice has been very prominent in the political philosophy. Most of the political philosophers have been only putting their focus on matters to do with poverty and wealth, and also how inequalities among the populate can be justified (Green Waters, 2010). They have especially focused more on inequalities between those people who come from the same countries. Philosophical debate has emerged in the past few years on how these philosophical ideas can be applied to the institutions and relationships that are held at an international level. This debate has emerged as a result of matters of philosophy together with the realities of international poverty and globalization and to make it more interesting, the world is now viewed like a global village. Many questions have been raised like whether it is really justifiable that some people have so much when others only have little. Signs of international political and economic interdependence indicate to us that there indeed exists a scheme of cooperation in the society, therefore it is important for us to stop viewing boundaries as though they have essential significance when it comes to our morals. We should all know that these boundaries are not coextensive with a scope of cooperation in our society, as they do not actually put limits on a societies obligation. The trends that are being witnessed towards more sophistication and greater theorizing on issues that touch on the international justice have both been encouraged and exemplified by Rawls publications about the laws of people. His publication influenced the current debates, concerning variety of matters like global input and international more so about the objectives of justice that is deemed to be distributive in the international realm. In the recent years, the idea of transitional justice has been coming up especially from the international human r ights movement (Monbiot, 2010). This idea was first taken to be the judicial process that was charged with the responsibility of addressing violence committed against people either by the repressive governments or dictatorial during the process of democratic transition. The idea was later changed to mean and used as a way of processing mass human rights and war crimes that were being committed during violent conflicts in various countries. Ever since, this idea has gained tremendous significance in the international realm as a way of bringing to book the perpetrators and culprits of violence against the people. The idea has been discussed by different peacekeeping missions in the international forums that are mostly engaged in promoting peace in the countries that are perceived to be participating in violence against their people. These discussions have been going on for over two decades. The field of transitional justice has for a long time been a preserve of the human rights activists, policy makers or prosecutors who most of the time serve in higher official capacities, people who have worked as judges, the legal scholars. More focus has been put in the jurisprudential and the philosophical aspects that are considered to be morally right. These efforts have particularly been geared towards the implementation and institutional design of various international tribunals. Many well recognized international experts in law have continuously written about the capacities, international legal procedures and development of the domestic or even the hybrid courts that mainly deal with greater human rights violations. Most of the researches done by the international law experts have majorly focused on the international courts that have been put in place to deal with cases like war crimes (Pablo, 2002). Some of these international courts and tribunals are; tribunals that were established to deal with cases of human rights violence in Sierra Leone, tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and lastly, the International Criminal Court that has in the recent years asserted its authority by prosecuting high profile cases and figures in the international realm. However it seems that efforts to promote order and bring justice to victims are being curtailed as many nations that are in transition have been forming truth and justice as a way of reconciling people. The danger with establishing these commissions is that there is no clear understanding on what these commissions are supposed to achieve. The disenchantment about these commissions has greatly contributed to overcoming the fixation when it comes dichotomies between justice vs. truth and also peace vs. justice. Most international experts agree that there is need for societies that recover from conflicts of violence and oppression n eed to be given both restorative and legal approaches that address different dimensions and levels of justice and truth (Rawls, 2000). References Andreopoulos, G., Carey, H. F. (2016). Justice and World Order: Reassessing Richards Falk's Scholarship and Advocacy. Eric, C. (2010). Coercion,Equity and the International Property Regime. Journal of Political Philosophy , 18, 16-31. Gillian, B. (2009). Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Account. Gillian, B., Harry, B. (2005). The Political Philosophy of Cospolitanism. Green, J., Waters, C. (2010). Conflict in the Caucasus: Implications for International Legal Order (Euro-Asian Studies). Monbiot, G. (2010). The Age of Consent. Pablo, D. (2002). Global Justice and Transnational Politics. Rawls. (2000). Rawl's Law of Peoples: Rules for a Vanished Westphalian World, 'Ethics,. 110 (4), 697-721. Bibliography Bigelow, B., Peterson, B. (2002). Rethinking Globalization: Teaching for Justice in an Unjust World. Bull, H., Hurrel, A. (2012). The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Organizational Terms of Positive Leadership

Question: Discuss about the Organizational Terms of Positive Leadership. Answer: Introduction Organizational success is often expressed in the terms of positive leadership, efficiency and effectiveness. Positive leadership implies motivation, encouragement and cohesive team building; efficiency denotes functioning in the best possible manner with a perfect combination of creativity, logic and timeliness; effectiveness signifies high-quality and bang-on results. Various organizations face tough situations because of inadequate management decisions leading to dictatorship instead of leadership, clashes instead of cooperation, poor allocation of resources instead of strategic utilization of resources, poor performances instead of enhanced performances and unhealthy or pessimistic organizational culture instead of innovative and optimistic culture (Matthews, 2010). A similar situation has been faced by Dharma, owner of a non-profit organization named Helping Hands who has managed to raise an energetic and enthusiastic team of 10 permanent members and 20 volunteers. In the exploratory and struggling journey of five years, she has introduced and implemented the changes successfully. But, since last few months there has been an increased requirement for the services and amenities which the organization usually provides to the deprived families. Due to the economic down turn the families were facing a tough time and were finding it harder to survive. Since Dharma was packed up with the major collaboration and networking activities with the government departments and other organizations; it was not a cake-walk for her to look after the daily operations and functioning. But she was aware of the criticality and wanted to act on it, so she decided to promote one of the loyal and dedicated workers named Jenny to management role along with three new staff members for assistance. Within two months; things got off track and the staff got divided into two conflicting groups. As a result, neither the workers are feeling motivated nor they are willing to work in such a stressful and unhealthy culture now. To sort out the issue of inadequate and slow-paced services, Dharma took a quick decision to promote Jenny as she trusted her. As time was less and work was endless, Dharma delegated the responsibilities to Jenny without thorough discussions and in-depth analysis. Since, the management decisions were taken in haste and the approach lacked few important aspects; the organization is now facing ineffectiveness, inefficiency and conflicts. Dharmas noble thinking, vision, dedication, communication skills and perseverance have made her reach a stable and steady level; now she just cannot afford to lose a full-fledged team of workers and volunteers. All her efforts and hard work would go in vain; if corrective measures are not adopted. Nerve-wracking environment, demotivated employees and dissented team can lead to organizational failure. Being a consultant; the paramount responsibilities would be to research and analyze the best approach and practices related to management decisions, effective leadership, cooperation and organizational change management. Research and Analysis Organizations achieve success when people, processes and practices work in synchronization or cohesion. Factors like socio-economic conditions, political environment, and technological revolution bring major changes in the organizations and the art to welcome, adapt to and manage the changes lies in the correct management decisions which promote strength, support and unity (Tran Tian, 2013). But unfortunately many organizations like Helping Hand face situations of distress and mistrust because of hasty decisions, inadequate research and ineffective leadership (Shulman, 2010). A research journal by Scott Ballantyne explores the relationship between leadership and decision-making. According to Ballantyne, the prime responsibility of a leader during decision-making is to follow a collaborative approach which encourages the employees to share ideas, philosophies and opinions. Inclusive and collaborative leadership empower the employees to participate in the decision-making processes making them feel motivated and valued. Such decisions usually are very effective and fruitful (Ballantyne, 2011). A leader needs to realize the importance of cohesion, team-building and sharing. It is crucial for a leader to understand that a team of enthused and inspired members can never make wrong decisions (Janczak, 2005). Though the journal explains the importance of a leader whose style and approach promote positivity and creativity but a close analysis of the case highlights the trust and expectations that Dharma had on the capabilities and performance of Jenny. She was always a motivated and committed worker therefore; her attitude had to be positive, energetic and inspiring. But, on the contrary, Jenny could not handle the team effectively. She could not motivate the workers, in fact she was accused of publicly criticizing the staff and dividing the team. Why did it happen? How is it possible for a self-motivated and devoted worker to not practice effective leadership? Why her inspiring and dedicated attitude took a backseat after promotion? Why could not she manage her roles and responsibilities despite of being a great worker? Why her decisions became noxious for the organization? The answer to all the questions and doubts above is lack of proper training. Dharmas decision to promote Jenny to a newly created management role could have been fruitful if proper training and development sessions were organized for her. As they say haste makes waste; a similar situation has soared in the organization. In a research project by Jean B. Leslie, four chief skills for an effective leadership are leading people, strategic planning, inspiring commitment and managing change. Unfortunately, these are the weakest competencies for todays leaders because of inadequate training and development. Even if the leader is sensitive and compassionate, insufficient preparation for future challenges and high-end tasks can lead to doomed work climate and poor performances (Leslie, 2009). Jenny, despite of being a great performer could not handle the leadership pressure. She somehow failed at managing the staff and keeping them enthused as she was not provided with proper guidance and coaching. But; is it not crucial to provide counselling and guidance to the employees as well? Is it not beneficial to mentally prepare the employees to welcome and accept the new managers and leaders? What if the manager or the leader is striving hard to gain the trust and foster a maven team but the employees remain rigid? A research by MIJARC Europe on NGO management training argues that training and development is a two-way process. If the leaders and managers are required to undergo training sessions then the workers and volunteers also require guidance and mentoring on how to adapt to the new changes, how to understand the management strategies formulated by managers and leaders and how to strengthen the relationships (Coosemans, 2013). It usually happens that even if the leader is trying hard to introduce positive changes or if he is making an effort to improvise on the strategies or practices; the workers become resistant and do not try to participate or even act accordingly (Trevithick, 2007). Helping Hand might be facing the same issue. Neither Jenny nor the staff was prepared for this change. Being a consultant, analyzing the importance of effective leadership and promoting the concept of training and development wont be enough. There are still few significant questions which need to be answered. Do training and development programs guarantee superior performances? Can such sessions directly lead to effective leadership and team-building? If training sessions are not organized thoroughly then what alternatives could help? The answer lies in the research article named The role of supervision in social work: A critical analysis by Jeanne Marie Hughes which explores that effective supervision improves the quality of daily operations and activities. It is educative, supportive and managerial in nature. Supervision examines and evaluates the ideas, practices and processes and enlightens the employees about the correct directions (Hughes, 2010). Dharma had promoted Jenny but could not train her since she was occupied with other crucial tasks but sadly she could not even manage to supervise Jennys approaches and attitude as a leader. She should have been there to oversee, monitor, guide and support Jenny and the staff members. National Association of Social Workers, in its research named Best Practice Standards in Supervision explains that effective supervision is essential for addressing a variety of issues and taking corrective measures (Tsui, 2005). Supervisors play a key role in the personal, professional and organizational development. They need to ensure whether the managers or leaders are able to formulate expected standards and strategies or not, whether they have the ability to cultivate and nurture a motivated and cohesive team or not and whether the changes, improvisations and innovations are being successfully implemented or not (Fuller Petch, 2005). Had Dharma been there to supervise and guide the team, the case would have been different. Conclusion As a consultant it is the foremost responsibility to not only analyse what has gone wrong but also to examine why has it gone wrong and how could it be sorted. Establishing an organization is not a childs play; it requires patience and risk taking ability along with years of hard-work, diligence, experimenting and networking. But speedy decisions, ignorance and lack of supervision and training and development programs can hamper the organizational culture and ruin the efficiency and effectiveness as in the case of Dharmas not-for-profit organization. Helping Hand has been experiencing a jarring and jolting phase and being a consultant it was a prerequisite to understand the criticality of the situation by analysing the various studies and research works which are conducted, so that apposite recommendations can be provided to Dharma. The research and analysis has clearly portrayed the value of making decisions strategically and diagnostically. The analysis has shown the importance of effective leadership, collaborative work practices, strong bonding, effective change management process, training and development and supervision. Recommendations Now that the reasons behind the issues are detected; it is important to recommend certain corrective measures that need to be executed in order to bring everything back on track. Firstly, it is vital for Dharma to devote her time in patiently listening and considering the views, opinions, grievances and queries of Jenny, staff members and volunteers. Dharma has to let everyone speak out the issues, troubles and scrapes they are going through. It is quite important to understand the mind-set and outlook of every employee. Evaluation of the actual behaviour, attitude and approach of Jenny needs to be conducted as well. It has been proven that once the employees speak their minds out and pour their hearts out; it gets easier for them to remain calm and unruffled. At this point of time, Dharma needs to carefully make them understand that new changes bring new challenges and quitting the job without trying out for the solutions is sheer escapism. Motivational interactions could be very beneficial as employees would feel heard and valued. Once the evaluation is done and employees are unflustered, training goals could be easily understood and accordingly training and development programs could be framed. Training delivery methods should be interactive, enlightening, collaborative and innovative leading to constructivism, intrinsic motivation and cooperation. Once the training interventions are over; it would be the primary responsibility of Dharma to manage time out of the busy schedule and conduct an effective supervision regularly. References Tsui, M 2005, Social work supervision: Contexts and concepts, Sage Publications, New York. Trevithick, P 2007, Social Work Skills: A Practice Handbook, Open University Press, New York. Shulman, L 2010, Interactional supervision, NASW Press, Washington DC. Ballantyne, S 2011, Leadership and decision-making, Journal of management and marketing research, vol. 4, issue no. 3, pp. 1-6. Janczak, S 2005, The strategic decision-making process in organizations, Journal of problems and perspectives in management, vol. 6, issue no. 3, pp. 3-69. Tran, Q and Tian, Y 2013, Organizational effectiveness: Influencing factors and impact on firms, American journal of industrial and business management, vol. 3, issue no. 1, pp. 229-236. Matthews J, 2010, Organizational effectiveness, Journal of business management, vol. 6, issue no. 4, pp. 3-49. Pisani, A 2005, Talk to me: Supervisees disclosure in supervision, Journal of social work management, vol. 23, issue no. 8, pp. 29-47. Leslie, J 2009, The leadership gap, viewed 26 May 2016, Hughes, J 2010, The role of supervision in social work, Journal of policy and practice, vol. 2, issue no. 1, pp. 60-72. NASW 2013, Best practice standards in social work supervision, viewed 27 May 2016,

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Walt Whitman Essays (1652 words) - Brooklyn Eagle, Mystics

Walt Whitman In parting with traditional poetic formalities, Walt Whitman alleviated a burden that impeded his ability to achieve full poetic expression. To Whitman, the strict boundaries that formal meter, structure, and rhyme imposed set limits on his stylistic freedom. This is not to say that these limits prevented Whitman from conveying his themes. Rather, they presented a contradiction to which Whitman refused to conform. In Whitman's eyes, to meet these formal guidelines one would also have to sacrifice the ability to express qualities and passion of living men. Thus, Whitman contested traditional poetic protocol because it added a layer of superficiality that concerned itself with creating perfect rhythmical, metrical, and structural poetry. It was this end that bothered Whitman, for he believed that each word in a poem should serve only one purpose: "to harmonize with the name, nature, and drift of the poem". To understand exactly what characteristics of traditional poetic rules posed such problems for Whitman, we must establish a working definition of what this means. Traditional poetic rules are those determined through the history of British poetry . This statement in itself leaves much latitude for interpretation. For the sake of comparison, generalizations must be made. First of all, traditional British poetry adhered to a specific meter, a common example being the iambic foot (unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable). Whatever the chosen meter, these patterns were more or less consistent throughout the course of the poem. Similarly, in a traditional British poem, it was desired that each of the lines have the same amount of feet (for example the Shakespearean sonnet written in iambic pentameter, meaning five feet or iambs). Along these same lines, traditional poets valued a concise and logical structure. This meant that stanzas consisted of a predetermined amount of lines or that the poem had a predetermined amount of stanzas. Augmenting this formal structure were predetermined rhyme schemes (such as ?abab cdcd efef gg' in Shakespearean sonnets). Based on the above, we can describe traditional poetic etiquette as adhering to the suggested formal patterns predetermined by the tradition of British poetry. Just in reaching the above conclusion, a problem arises that all poets, not just Whitman, face when trying to conform to this style. This problem is that all of these rules are cumbersome. It is difficult for a poet to convey the theme of a poem when he or she is concerned with whether or not each word fits into a designated formal pattern. Yet, some would argue that this is what makes poetry such an elegant art form. Surely, Whitman recognized the genius found in Shakespeare's sonnets and other constitutive examples of traditional British poetry. However, whether or not Whitman recognized the genius of great traditional British poets, is inconsequential. What did matter was whether or not Whitman felt that this style was appropriate for him. The answer is no. Whitman found problems not simply with the fact that clinging to the traditional style might be burdensome (surely this would not have been an insurmountable task for Whitman), but his main issue with traditional style concerned the ornamental effect of formal regularity: "In future Leaves of Grass. Be more severe with the final revisions of the poem, nothing will do, not one word or sentence that is not perfectly clear-- with positive purpose-- harmony with the name, nature, drift of the poem. Also, no ornaments, especially no ornamental adjectives, unless they have come molten hot, and imperiously prove themselves. No ornamental similes at all?not one; perfect transparent clearness, sanity, and health are wanted?that is the divine style?O of it can be attained." In the above quote we see the essence of Whitman's ideology towards the ?divine style' and to what standards his poetry should be held. Thus, Whitman proposed that the formalities of traditional poetry resulted in the true nature of the poem being lost to a kind of superficial elegance. To Whitman, evidence of this postulate could be found in the general idea of what was considered a standard theme in these ornamental poems. These themes often seemed as removed from the everyday reader as the decorative language and structure with which they were presented. Whitman found the quality of romanticism in previous literary distasteful because the everyday reader could not identify with the theme as it applied to his or her own life. Nor could the reader relate to the characters, which tended to be one-dimensional (an infallible hero, an evil villain, or a helpless maiden). This last consequence led Whitman to rebel against tradition. Whitman sought not to cloud

Sunday, November 24, 2019

dolls house essays

doll's house essays Doors can represent many ideas or actions. A door has many uses; it can be used to open certain things, or close them. In A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen, he intertwines several symbolic doors to support the drama. Occasionally, Nora would bring a guest into another room such as Mrs. Linde. Nora would dump her whole pride and lifestory onto Mrs. Linde, someone who Nora hasnt seen for 10 years. This is someone who gave him approval. Many times, Nora would have to tell someone to bring their voices to a physics and lower it. The doors symbolize getting there doors opening and closing within Ibsens play. Also, doors enable deception. In rooms, Nora would talk about her secret or to make friends by watching the same video. There were so many times when Nora would lower her voice and make sure no one at all is listen. Nora also does her other business, such as lie. Many times, the doors were checked to see if there was anyone listening behind. Nora talked to Krogstad behind doors.. also tough to remember. She talked to Mrs. Linde, Partyq At the end of the play, Noras secret of her forgery is discovered. Torvald locks the hall door so Nora can't leave (64). He has the key which means he is in comp lete control over it. Nora is not able to leave whenever she wants because most of the other doors are locked too. Nora is essentially trapped in her own house. She cannot go out because of the children. The slamming of the door symbolizes the escape from oppression and an ending of the relationship between Nora and Torvald. Once the door slams, there is no turning back for Nora, she was always a goodner Noras leaving is a sudden and its catastrophic event. The slamming of the door gives the play a great dramatic effect. Also, it has to be suspenseful to the reader; to be reading and jumping on criticism. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 17

Business Plan - Essay Example The SmartHand pointing and teaching device is a touch screen instructor that accurately figures commands that include clicking, double clicking, moving the mouse, as well as left and right clicking. It is designed with the aim of enhancing the teaching quality of the instructor. It helps in getting the job done and minimizes the waste of time in lectures since it allows the lecturers to write on the projection screen remotely. The lecturers are also able to change windows as they move away from the computer. It is a great appeal to those who are interested in an incorporate and advanced technology in the educational use. It is made in a way that the computer has a customized action by hand gestures such as the screen, capture; minimize windows and the rotating objects in design software. With this, it is customized for those lecturers who yearn for convenience and portability. The SmartHand is available for sale at most of the electronics retailers such as the Bestbuy, and the softwa re download is available at the company website. About 57% of all the Universities professors, targeted at Architecture, Engineering, Design schools are expected to present content using their computer screens, which help in the illustrations. These include drawings and plans of different structures. There are about 1,267,700 post-secondary school teachers, 5,726,160 individuals employed, by the large, entrepreneurial firms and 211,500,000 individual gamers. 70% of the professors have computers that they use to teach, 27% of them possess projectors while 5% have alternative pointing devices that make their work easier. Very few of them have portable devices that they can use remotely to illustrate from any position in the classroom. Thus, the main target market of the SmartHand pointing device are the lecturers in universities and the tutors who are faced with the challenge of having to move around the classroom in

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Money Management Midterm-1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Money Management Midterm-1 - Essay Example It is imperative to note that, the insurance companies are obliged to make regular and lifelong payments until the holder dies (Brealey & Myers, 1997). Consider the formula of calculating life annuity returns Payout= P*R*(1+R) exponent N/ (1+R) Whereby P is the principal, R interest rate and payout refers to the periodic payment. Take a percentage interest of 6% and use the annuity calculator for easy calculation. For a single life annuity, fixed amount to be paid is 3,333 per month. This adds up to EUR 39,996 annually. Therefore, annual periodic payment would be: A = EUR 39,996 Now I believe that I would need more money than EUR 39,996 annually. There would be different factors that would reduce the value of EUR 39,996 at that time like inflation. Therefore, when I retire and I think EUR 45,000 should be a valuable amount that I would need every year to spend my life happily. In order to have this amount every year, the interest rate should be 7% as calculated using Goal Seek option in Microsoft Excel. The life expectancy and retirement age considered in this context is 70 and 55 years respectively. PART II- SHARE ANALYSIS This part intends to examine and analyze two companies from the investment analysis. Various financial ratios will be applied to analyze the performances of the company. The implication created by the ratios will be used to recommend a suitable company for investors to invest. The two companies intended for analysis for this report are Lockheed Martin Corporation and Altera Corporation. Lockheed Martin Corporation Background information about the company Lockheed Martin is a global leader in providing aeronautics and defense security services. The company is the world’s largest federal contractor of the agency with unique product portfolio. Headquarter of the company is situated in Bethesda, Maryland in Washington Metropolitan Area. The company is present in more than 75 countries. The company has partnership with more than 300 indust ry players across the globe. It employs around 120,000 employees worldwide who include 80,000 scientists, engineers and IT professionals. This research establishes that, Lockheed reported $46.5 billion revenue in 2011 through its portfolio that includes aeronautics, electronics system, IT and global services, and space system. Net Income of the company is $2.65 billion in 2011. Presently, its share price is $93. Financial Ratios of Lockheed Martin Earnings per Share The Earnings per share shows how much return a shareholder is earning for each share (Friedlob and Plewa, 1996). The earnings per share of the Lockheed Martin were 7.81 in 2011. However, the average 3-year EPS growth rate of the stock is zero. Price Earnings Ratio Price Earnings ratio is the calculated by the following formula. Price earnings ratio = the market price per share/ annual earnings per share. A higher P/E of the stock implies that, investors are paying more for earning every dollar consequently; the share bec omes more expensive compared to the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Review of a Reading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Review of a Reading - Essay Example For this reason, the author says that, the concept of designing strategy for a business organization must address the whole business organization. Consequently, the author says that, strategy in business must be formulated at three independent levels, i.e. corporate level, business level, and functional level. A critical analysis of this view by the author shows that the author’s conception of strategic management is right. This is because strategic management affects all facets of a business organization unlike other areas of business. The author of this reading defines strategic management as the process of creating interdependent activities that will enable an organization to compete successfully. The author goes on to say that, for most business organizations, creating the interdependent activities is the difficult part. An evaluation of this view shows that author’s views on this point are true. This is because harmonizing various portfolios of a business organization to operate with synergy is quite a challenging task; it normally requires skills in management and leadership to create such synergy in an organization with different portfolios. In the assigned reading, the author discusses in details the corporate Level Strategy and the scope of corporate level strategy. According to the author, corporate level strategy sets the overall direction for the whole Company. The author recognizes specific tasks and questions to that are unique to corporate level strategy. Expressed as questions, the author argues that the scope of corporate level strategy is: To explain further the actual meaning of corporate level of strategy, the author explains in details the meaning of each of the four questions; the author uses a concrete case of the Pepsi Company to demonstrate how the four questions of corporate level strategy are applied in actual situation. The author begins by explaining how the Coca-Cola Company has applied the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Discharge Plan for Older Person

Discharge Plan for Older Person In this assignment the author will discuss a discharge plan with rationale for an older person with a long term condition. Included will be potential and actual problems presenting from the patient profile on discharge from an acute care setting. Reference to the Nursing and Midwifery Councils (NMC) professional code of conduct (2008) shall be made throughout the assignment along with a discussion of legislation in the latter part that is relevant to the plan of care arranged. Moreover any copies of documentation used in the appendix will remain anonymous maintaining confidentiality. The theoretical model used to formulate this plan of care is Roper et al (1990) activities of daily living which concentrates on twelve elements essential for daily living skills and the level of dependence required for them. The elements of the theoretical model chosen will be those applicable to the patients discharge care for example, mobility and breathing. The patient profile referred to is that of an elder gentleman in his late seventies admitted to hospital following weakness on waking to the left side of his body which had mainly affected his mobility. There also appeared to be some facial drooping with dysarthria. For the purpose of this assignment when referring to the patient he will be named as Mr Smith as to personalise the plan of care. Mr Smith has a past medical history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma for which he receives drug therapy of salbutamol and becotide inhalers. He is also the main carer for his wife whom suffers severe Alzheimers disease. Discharge plan Liaise with the discharge co-ordinator as to the impending discharge of Mr Smith. This will ensure the continuity of his care on discharge. The discharge co-ordinator provides valuable assistance and is able to amplify the experience of a patients venture from hospital to the community Day et al (2009). They are highly skilled nurses in this specialist area and mediate between the multidiscipliness involved in the care needs of Mr Smith. Mobility. Problem 1 Possible changes to Mr Smiths movement, function and orientation. Method/outcome Complete a falls risk assessment using an identified tool and follow advisory notes on completion. With consent liaise with occupational therapy and physiotherapy departments for a discharge assessment and continued rehabilitation within the community. Make certain a home visit with therapy teams has been undertaken before discharge. Rationale A falls risk assessment tool (FRAT) is a way to establish risk and manage falls prevention. Its use is advocated in the National institute for clinical excellence (NICE) guidelines in falls prevention document (2004). Following the use of FRAT (appendix 2) it is decided that Mr Smith is at moderate risk of falling and advices of therapy team input. Mr Smith requires an assessment by the occupational therapy team in his home environment prior to his discharge. This ensures his safety and well being for day to day living and maintains his independence. The visit presents an opportunity for the occupational therapist to evaluate the need for adjustment in the home. For example it is recorded that Mr Smith has some difficulty in rising out of the bath he would therefore need modification in his bathroom to enable him to do this, promoting independence and maintaining his dignity. Mobility doesnt just include the physical aspect of movement it involves fine motor activity, personal assertion, feeling and communicative function also. Having a stroke can cause dysfunction, having a dramatic causatum on the persons life Barnet et al (2009). Making adjustments in the home can be an upsetting experience. An assessment by the physiotherapist will maximise rehabilitation in physical movement and allow instruction on the use of equipment that may be required in doing so, this ascertains safety and accuracy during use. Physiotherapists have superior kinetic knowledge and can introduce advice in falls prevention minimising the occurrence. NMC (2008) requires you as a nurse to refer to another practitioner when it is in the best interests of a persons care. Both therapists will be able to initiate communication with day hospitals for continued rehabilitation therapy sessions within the community. Maintain a safe environment and communication. Problem 2 Mr Smith is to administer daily medication and understand the information provision. Method/outcome Ensure the prescription with 7 days supply is provided and sent to pharmacy in time for discharge. Guarantee Mr Smith and his relatives receive relevant information regarding medication. Explain in an accessible manner. Arrange an out patients appointment. Present written and verbal information regarding the appointment. Inform the GP of Mr Smith discharge. Rationale Mr Smith has been prescribed aspirin 75mg following an ischaemic cerebral vascular accident (CVA). The aspirin is given prophylactically and inhibits platelet aggregation which could otherwise result in a thrombus formation British national formulary (BNF) (2009). Eighty percent of strokes result from ischemia, caused by a thrombus blocking the cerebral circulation therefore, preventative medication such as aspirin reduces the risk of a reoccurrence Greenstein and Gould (2009a). It is important to provide Mr Smith with written and verbal information with regard to instruction on how and when to take his medication, along with the dosage and possible side-effects he may encounter. Educating Mr Smith on the need for medication and possible consequence of non compliance present him with an informed choice and reduces the risk of a drug induced re-admission. Reports suggest that fifty percent of older people may not take medicines prescribed for them as they have not received valued information about the benefits and risks involved Department of health (DOH) (2001). The NMC (2008) says that you must share information about peoples health and regimes in a way they can understand. This facilitates informed choices and compliance. Nurses have a responsibility to continue assessment of their patients suitability for self-administration; the NMCs standards for medicines management (2008) standard 9 require you to acknowledge changes to a patients condition and safety with regard to self-administration. Assessing Mr Smiths understanding and capability of remembering to take his medication is of great importance as if he is likely to encounter difficulty, provision for pre-dispensed medicine or help from a carer can be arranged Wade (2007). Indirect questioning will provide some indication as to how much Mr Smith understands and will not make him feel inadequate, maintaining his dignity and respect. An outpatients appointment with a neurologist will maintain consistent specialist monitoring of Mr Smiths condition even though once discharged the GP is responsible for care in the community and continued prescribing. It is therefore vital that the GP has documentation on this hospital admission and any follow up appointments to be attended. Problem 3 Change to Mr Smiths social and home environmental needs. Method/outcome Inform Mr Smith as to the importance of social services participation and gain his consent. Liaise with social services for an assessment of needs completing the relevant documentation (sections 2 5) in acceptable time ready for Mr Smiths discharge. Rationale Consent must be given by Mr Smith prior to the involvement of social services, even though it is documented that they have had previous input with Mrs Smiths care. It is the individuals right to confidentiality and as a nurse you must respect this NMC (2008). Mr Smith has indicated that he has concerns with regard to coping and caring for his wife whom has severe Alzheimers disease when he is discharged. Social services must assess the need for a care support package and provide financial advice for the services required as Mr Smith is a home owner. With Mr Smiths consent social services may even consider the possibility of Mrs Smith remaining in the nursing home until Mr Smith is more able bodied. The need fulfilment of the dependent can generate emotional stress in the carer and burden their physical well-being with the high level of physical exertion needed to provide endowed care Mackenzie and Lee (2006). When Mr Smith returns home it is the expectation that he will be allowing himself time to recover and not put his self under duress which could result in a relapse in his health. Anecdotally, caring for his wife at this stage would not be beneficial to his rehabilitation. Problem 4 Transportation home on discharge from hospital. Method/outcome Liaise with relatives regarding transport home and if necessary arrange hospital transportation. Verify Mr Smith has keys to his property, that someone will be there to receive him or that the key safe number is available. Rationale It is of upmost importance that Mr Smith and his relatives are fully aware of the date of discharge and the preparations for his arrival. Where possible, Mr Smith and his relatives should contribute to the discharge plan. The expectation of you as a nurse is that you uphold peoples rights to be involved in decisions about their care NMC (2008). Working and playing. Problem 5 Possible isolation and lack of social contact. Method/outcome With consent refer Mr Smith to the community stroke liaison services and complete the relevant referral documentation. Provide the services contact details. Rationale The community stroke liaison nurse is there to provide support with initial changes to Mr Smiths life. She is a specialist in stroke rehabilitation and can present him with coping strategies. These will help Mr Smith focus on problem solving approaches and heighten his sense of control Carpenito-Moyet (2008a). The nurse specialist may also be able to provide Mr Smith with mini health checks and details of support groups, clubs and give advice regarding enrolling on an expert patient programme if it is available within the local authority. The expert patient programme is a self management course for people with long term conditions. It was launched in 2002 as a pilot programme but is now national. The course is delivered over a six week period by a trained tutor who is either a volunteer or a previous programme attendee and is vastly beneficial. The service reduces isolation, promotes confidence and empowers those living with deficits or complex needs DOH (2001). Eating and drinking. Problem 6 Nutritional support and secondary prevention Method/outcome With consent refer Mr Smith to a community dietician completing the documentation. Highlight the importance of lifestyle and dietary changes with regard to his condition. Outline the need to attend to any future difficulty in swallowing or further dysarthria. Rationale Following his stroke Mr Smith may have a reduced appetite. Carpentino-Moyet (2008b) suggests this may be due to fatigue, being less mobile or even because of some pain from limb limitation. Carpentino-Moyet (2008c) also discuss that during Illness or convalesce a good nutritional consumption can reduce the risk of further complications and aid faster recovery. Referring to the community dietician ensures that a diet plan optimal in calories and nutrition is received. Making certain that Mr Smith has some understanding about his condition will endeavour compliance with diet and life style changes. The reoccurrence of a CVA is much higher during the first year of rehabilitation, therefore regular checks and life style conversions need to be initiated DOH (2001). Mr Smiths awareness and detection of further difficulties with speech and swallowing is a desired outcome as this could most definitely interfere with his nutritional intake in the future and would incorporate further change to his diet and lifestyle they would also warrant a referral to a speech and language therapist for a swallow assessment. Breathing Problem 7 Mr Smith has COPD and asthma and requires respiratory maintenance and secondary prevention advice. Method/outcome Ensure Mr Smith is aware of how to use his inhalers with the correct technique. Inform him of the importance to have regular visits to the GP or respiratory nurse in order to maintain adequate respiration. Provide cessation of smoking advice. Rationale Belamy and Booker (2000) suggest that the recommended maintenance appointment for patients with mild to moderate COPD should be annually within the primary care setting, they also indicate the monitoring session should involve a full assessment of the patients smoking status, symptom control, and medication efficiency with inhaler technique. Furthermore it allows the health care professional to perform spirometry. It appears that Mr Smiths therapeutic intervention of becotide and salbutamol inhalers have symptomatic control of his COPD at present however, he is now also prescribed aspirin which could contraindicate his condition. Occasionally aspirin causes bronchospasm Greenstein and Gould (2009b) therefore close monitoring is essential. In practice we can promote smoking cessation and provide advice to Mr Smith with regard to the health risks involved following his stroke and COPD. It is his individual choice as to whether he will participate. Many people given smoking cessation advice will continue smoking disregarding concern for their health. The NMC (2008) stipulates that as a nurse you must not discriminate against those in your care, treating people as individuals regardless of whether their choice exacerbates their illnesses. Key issues in older adults and long term conditions care provision: Extensive change has been underway with regard to the care standards and expectations of health and social care services for older people. The force for change has happened due to demographic analysis, which indicates that people are living much longer with an increase in those above the age of eighty. According to the DOH (2001) this figure is expected to have doubled between 1995 and 2025. Such longevity influences the amount of people living with long term conditions. Research and reports from extensive consultation with older people, their carers, healthcare professionals and from media coverage, discuss services declining to meet the needs of older people with age discrimination and depletion of dignity and respect being a major domination as clinical areas lacked evidence based practice DOH (2001). The introduction of clinical governance has helped develop effectiveness of evidence based practice assuring the quality of care is of a high standard. Zwanenberg and Edwards (2004) describe clinical governance as a system to advance the quality of care in which healthcare managers are responsible for policy compliance. They explain that primary care trusts are accountable for providing evidence of their effectiveness and quality of clinical practice and further acknowledge the level of need for accountability since public interest in cases of malpractice. Care plans are aspects of clinical governance policies Lugon and Secker-Walker (1999) as is the essence of care document developed by the DOH in 2001. The essence of care document is a guidance tool specific in enabling healthcare professionals to deliver a structured and patient focused practice within eight areas of care. Some of the areas include food and nutrition, self-care and privacy and dignity. The document also enables professionals to distinguish areas of poor practice allowing for remediation DOH (2001). The national institute of clinical excellence formulated guidelines for practice in assessment and prevention of falls, declaring that falls are a major cause of disability or mortality in the elder population and impact on their quality of health and life NICE (2004). NICE (2004) also report that falling can have a devastating repercussion to an individual causing psychological distress, lack of confidence and poor self esteem, dependency and even pressure injury. The guidelines provide strategies for assessment (FRAT appendix 2) of those at risk of falling, including individuals following a stroke and suggest setting provision for interventions such as physical therapy, home adjustment and the revisal of visual deficit NICE (2004). The development of the national service framework (NSF) for older people by the DOH (2001) delivers policies as to the standard of healthcare that older people should receive. The NSF endeavoured to set strategies over a 10 year programme looking for improvements within specific areas of health promoting independence and providing treatment with respect and dignity. The document lists the quality of care that is required on the best available evidence and provides one standard for all, achieving consistency within healthcare DOH (2001). The focus of the NSF for older people was to abolish age discrimination and provide a patient centred approach to care DOH (2001). The document defines stroke and falls prevention, promotion of health and introduces standards of care for hospital and intermediate settings and for mental health illness in older people. The DOH in connection with the NSF for older people also developed the NSF for long term conditions in 2005. The document expresses the need for the promotion of quality of life with autonomy based around the individuals specific need for their condition. Implementation of this policy includes provision of support for housing, benefits, education and pension schemes helping those suffering with long term conditions to live as independently as possible with access to services as required DOH (2005). A stroke (CVA) is classified as a long term condition and the DOH (2007) stroke strategy document identifies the need for health promotion and management of risk. The plan of action firstly focuses on awareness and prevention, treatment and services available for those whose lives have been affected by stroke. Secondly, it identifies that all needs, health and social of the individual, should be contemplated in a plan of care not just medical ones DOH (2007). The stroke strategy guidelines allow for individuals following a minor event to be given an MRI scan within 24 hours, as evidence suggest eighty percent will follow on to have a severe stroke DOH (2007). Clinical areas can therefore reduce deaths in practice if they adhere to this policy. Promotion of healthy weight, physical exercise and smoking cessation along with regular blood pressure checks and advice on alcohol consumption further reduce risks DOH (2007). The stroke strategy also expresses the need for a multidisciplinary approach, all health and social care workers collaborating together cultivating a stroke care community that will provide the best possible service for those affected returning home DOH (2007). Continued assessment by the multidisciplines following a hospital admission is essential to ensure an individuals suitability for discharge. The DOH (2004) suggests that consideration be made for the individuals physiological, functional and psycho-social wellbeing during the assessments. Being fit for discharge means that receiving care in an acute setting is no longer needed and continued care can be provided between the GP, community services and outpatients appointments DOH (2004). One professional included in the multidiscipline approach within the community is a pharmacist with initiatives developed to increase their involvement in care, such as repeat dispensing, medication reviews and independent prescribing especially for those with long term illness DOH (2005). The pharmacists involvement within the multidisciplinary team is very beneficial to patient care as it decreases medication errors, discovering discrepancies and many contra-indications before the medication reaches the patient. All legislation and government policies have influence on the way healthcare professionals practice. They provide guidelines as to accommodate continuity of healthcare in general. They set standards for quality of care that service users can expect when accessing healthcare provision and project how they will receive this provision. Legislation is an important aspect of healthcare and individuals have the right to life without discrimination, being treated equally with dignity and respect regardless of their condition, disability or age. The writer concludes that Mr Smith is awaiting discharge from hospital following a stroke. Evident from the patient profile he has achieved a satisfactory level of independence and he appears to be making good progress. The discharge plan documented for Mr Smith incorporates many of the NHS and social care policy initiatives to deliver continuity of care from hospital to home using elements from the Roper et al (1990) theoretical nursing model. The discharge plan supports the inclusion of multidisciplines, health promotion, prevention strategies and patient participation. It also up holds the NMC code of professional conduct (2008) whilst focusing on independence and maintenance of ones dignity, providing community support and rehabilitation. References: Barret, D. Wilson, B. Woollands, A. (2009) Care planning a guide for nurses, Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Belamy, D. Booker, R. (2000) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in primary care, all you need to know to manage COPD in your practice 3rd ed. London: Class Publishing. BNF 57 (2009) British national formulary. London: BMJ Group/RPS publishing. Carpenito-Moyet, L.J. (2008) Nursing care plans documentation, nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems 5th ed. Hong Kong: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Day, M.R. McCarthy,G. Coffey, A. (2009) Discharge planning: the role of the discharge co-ordinator, Nursing Older People, 21, (1), pp. 26-31. Department of Health (2001) Medicines and older people: implementing medicine-related aspects of the NSF for older people, The Department of Health. [online]. Available from: [accessed 18/03/2010]. Department of Health (2001) The essence of care: patient-focused benchmarking for healthcare practitioners, The Department of Health. [online]. Available from: [accessed 12/02/10]. Department of Health (2001) The national service framework for older people, The Department of Health. [online]. Available from: [accessed 14/02/2010]. Department of Health (2002) The expert patient program, a new approach to chronic disease management for the 21st century, The Department of Health. [online]. Available from: [accessed 30/03/2010]. Department of Health (2004) Achieving timely simple discharge from hospital, a toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team, The Department of Health. [online]. Available from: [Accessed 26/03/2010]. Department of Health (2005) The national service framework for long-term conditions, London: The Stationary Office. Department of Health (2007) National stroke strategy, Department of Health. [online]. Available from: [accessed 25/03/2010]. Greenstein, B. Gould, D. (2009) Trounces clinical pharmacology for nurses 18th ed. London: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. Lugon, M. Secker-Walker, J. (1999) Clinical governance, making it happen. London: Royal Society of Medicine Press. Mackenzie, A. Lee, D.T.F. (2006) Carers and lay caring, In: Nursing older people: Redfern, S.J. Ross, F.M. (eds.) Nursing older people. 4th ed. London: Elsevier. National Institute of Clinical Excellence (2004) Clinical practice guidelines for assessment and prevention of falls in older people. CG21. London: Royal College of Nursing. Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) Professional code of conduct, London. Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) Standards for medicine management, London. Roper, N. Logan, W. Tierney, A.J. (1990) The elements of nursing, based on activities of daily living. New York: Churchill Livingstone. Wade, S. (2007) Refusing discharge or transfer of care, in: Nurse facilitated hospital discharge: Lees, L. (ed.) Nurse facilitated hospital discharge. Keswick: MK Publishing. Zwannenberg, T.V. Edwards, C. (2004) Clinical governance in primary care, in: Clinical governance in primary care: Zwannenberg, T.V. Harrison, J. (eds.) Clinical governance in primary care. 2nd ed. Oxon: Radcliffe Medical Press Ltd.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Amy Tans Mother Tongue and Jimmy Santiago Bacas Coming Into Language

Amy Tan's Mother Tongue and Jimmy Santiago Baca's Coming Into Language In the course of reading two separate texts it is generally possible to connect the two readings even if they do not necessarily seem to be trying to convey the same message. The two articles, â€Å"Mother Tongue† by Amy Tan, and â€Å"Coming Into Language† by Jimmy Santiago Baca, do have some very notable similarities. They are two articles from a section in a compilation about the construction of language. The fact that these two articles were put into this section makes it obvious that they will have some sort of connection. This essay will first summarize the two articles and break them down so that they are easily comparable; also, this essay will compare the two articles and note similarities and differences the texts may have. The first article is â€Å"Mother Tongue† by Amy Tan. The author tells a story of her relationship with her mother whose English is poor in comparison to that of most Americans. The author is well versed in English since she was schooled in the United States. (Tan 37) The author begins with an introduction to her mother’s style of language. She explains that it is her language that she and her mother share, and it is a â€Å"language of intimacy.† (36) Tan makes sure to point out that it is not difficult for her to understand what her mother says. After this introduction Tan begins to tell the reader about stories of how her mother’s limited English had affected her. She writes that she had been ashamed of her mother’s unintelligible English. Her story is about a time when she had to make a phone call for her mother and how she had noticed the way others passed her mother off as a nuisance. Her next story had a similar... ...eers slightly when he goes back to when he was seven after describing a time when he was seventeen. He also tells the story completely through his own eyes, while Tan attempts to see things as her mother does. This is the main difference between the two articles. The conclusions that can be drawn based on the two articles are similar as well. Both articles seem to conclude that language shouldn’t be a barrier for those who do not have a complete grasp of it. Baca wishes that those who are illiterate would try to learn to write because writing can help unleash emotions, while Tan wants people to understand that her mother is not disabled, but rather enriched with her knowledge of English. Both arguments that are presented are convincing. These arguments can appeal to a wide range of people and motivate the general public to be more understanding.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Alternative Medicines Final

Analyze how western (aliphatic) medicine could benefit from incorporating more eastern (holistic) medicine. Use at least three specific examples. (6 points) Aliphatic medicine could benefit from many of the principles of holistic medicine. One of the eight basic principles of holistic health care is that health requires an Integration of mind, body and spirit. This Idea Is present In meditation and research suggests that those who meditate are healthier. Especially In regard to stress Induced Illnesses.Western medicine could also benefit from the idea that the individual must affirm arsenal responsibility for their own health. Too often in our society people don't want to change the habits that are making them unhealthy. Another principle that could provide benefit to western medicine is the idea that disease is a process and provides an opportunity for personal growth. Currently western medicine views disease as a negative and focuses on treating symptoms. 2. You are developing a ca rdiac rehab class for patients after they have heart surgery.You could use Respiratory One Method, Mindfulness Meditation, or Imagery. Explain which one you choose to use and why. 4 points) Studies Indicate that ROOM Is an effective treatment In cardiac disorders, reducing PC's and Instances of SW, however it does not specify post cardiac surgery results. On the other hand imagery has proved to be helpful pre and post surgery in recovery times. Imagery shows to benefit blowfly, reduce inflammation, reduce anxiety, help with pain and even improve cancer patients outcomes. Based on it's wide range of benefits, I would utilize Imagery. 3.You want to try an Eastern therapy (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, or Arrived) for your asthma. Choose one and describe your reasoning. (4 points) I would choose Acupuncture based on the research and experiments mentioned in the book. Several different studies by Berger and Fund Indicate † acupuncture superior to sham acupuncture for relieving acute symptoms of despise. † peg 330. In reading throughout the book, I was unable to find any evidence regarding the other treatment options in relation to asthma. Other tests conducted referenced on pages 335-337 indicate improvements in various symptoms regarding asthma. . You are experiencing chronic low back pain. Explain which alternative health practitioner you will volt and detail the reasons why you choose him/her. (4 points) treatment would have been the best treatment option. However, while researching this question I found that progressive relaxation has proven benefit as well as the ability to increase pain tolerance. Acupuncture seems to be the most effective treatment option as there are more studies that support its effectiveness. 5. You have an infection and decide to complement your prescription medicine with aromatherapy.Describe which essential oil you choose, what method of application ND why. (4 points) I would choose Lavender as a topical appli cation to the infected site. â€Å"in 1910 Gatehouse burned himself badly in a laboratory experiment. † He used Lavender as a rinse to treat the gangrene that developed at the burn site. This essential oil stopped the gasification of the tissue. 6. You are experiencing a stressful time in your life. Assess which complementary or alternative health therapies you will incorporate into your schedule to reduce your stress. Evaluate how they will benefit you. Choose at least three. (6 points)Aromatherapy: â€Å"Certain essential oils such as lavender, rose, enroll and vituperating are well known† for the ability to potentially reduce stress. Essential oils have the potential to reduce stress, induce deep relaxation and promote better sleep. Music Therapy: Research indicates that music can affect mood states, decrease pain and increase cognitive function. Music selection must be appropriate to the desired effect. Exercise: Research concluded, † High stress college stud ents who participated in an exercise program reported greater decreases in depression than those who articulated in a relaxation program or no treatment. Another study indicated a high intensity workout program significantly reduced psychological tension. 7. You are choosing an herbal remedy to take for anxiety. Examine which herb you choose and why, including pharmacological properties, action, side effects, and interactions. (4 points) I would choose Kava Kava as it is considered non-addictive anxiety reducing agent comparable to painlessness's. It has demonstrated effects as a sedative, analgesic, anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant. Kava seems to act on he limbic system, which helps regulate the emotional process in the brain.Side effects include sleepiness and at high doses it can increase RFC, cause blood in the urine, decrease platelet count and cause shortness of breath. Research shows that using kava even after 3 months can result in liver failure and death. So great caution needs to be used in taking this herb. Therapy could assist an athlete's performance. Pick a sport and be specific. (4 points) Football players face incredible impact on Joints, muscle tissues, tendons and ligaments. It is common for them to receive professional massage to address these damaged and stressed areas.Benefits of massage would affect the circulatory and muscular systems by increasing circulation and enhancing venous return. Statistically significant results in reducing welling has been observed. Football players would also benefit from massage and its effects that it has on the skeletal system. It would increase Joint mobility and flexibility. Massage would also greatly benefit the nervous system in reducing pain response and increasing relaxation. 9. Analyze the legal and ethical issues of implementing Erik energy therapy into the hospital setting. 4 points) The legal issues regarding implementing Erik therapy into hospitals are there are no recognized regulatory or gov erning board. So the training, education and protocols are inconsistent and hospitals cannot guarantee the quality of treatment or care offered by these professionals. Therefore they can't ethically recommend these treatments without any standards of care. 10. Because of your family history, you are concerned about getting cancer. Evaluate hat steps you could change in your environment to decrease your health risk.

Friday, November 8, 2019

What is the negative and positive side for the national broadband network

What is the negative and positive side for the national broadband network National Broadband Network or NBN is a network that is based in Australia. It has been proposed to develop it further with a constant increase of access to the customers (Wong, 2009).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on What is the negative and positive side for the national broadband network? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There have been some controversies over how NBN will be seen according to political and economic viewpoints, but overall, there are several positive and negative aspects that can be established. The positive sides include that access to data and people’s awareness of the matters while the negative factors relate to the cost and risk in the amount and practicality of usage (Kim, 2010). The way users gain access to information has become one of the key points in the modern world. The base promise of NBN is that the speed of access will be enormous, providing the population with one of the most advanced technologies. Also, there are plans to provide access to a great number of people that will include as much of the population as possible (Shilling, 2004). This will give a chance to improve the infrastructure, as well as awareness of the local matters. There has even been support from politicians, as it will provide better organizations and framework throughout the population, maximizing the interconnection between the different social divisions. But some of the disadvantages are also present and these relate to the way people become dependent on technology in almost all aspects of life. The development of technology has drastically changed the world. As people are unable to calculate the rates of progress, it is impossible to determine what changes will be brought about with an even greater increase in technological advancements. This can turn out as a failure to all the money invested. Some estimates have shown that the implementation of the new system will cost billions of dollars (Picot, 2010). This does not fare well will politicians and the economic agendas that are so dependent on the budget. Any innovation can be seen as a part of the greater progress, but it is a very risky matter where many people can be negatively affected (Green, 2002). At the same time, there are talks about the control that is exhibited by the user. The access to the information might put a major dent into the society. The private information and the communication itself has become a public occurrence where people put their lives out on the public viewing without any concern for security or privacy.Advertising Looking for essay on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Of course, there are positive sides, as people can become better known by the surrounding population and bring benefits to those who are interested. It is rather difficult to estimate the affects of such a change to a society th at did not have the sort of technology previously (Restivo, 2005). Even though technology has helped people in a lot of ways, a person must realize its drawbacks and balance the use of technology with the physical interaction with others. The balance must be kept for technology to be helpful instead of detrimental. It is important to keep in mind that technology is not always error proof, thus reliability is a relative concept. There are many examples that show how technology has proven to be a negative influence on society, but people still continue its use. Security of the personal information is one of the most important things that a person has, and identity theft or abuse of private information has become widespread. People must become aware of the growing problem and use as much care as possible to protect their well being and individuality. Reference List Green, L 2002. Communication, Technology and Society, SAGE, Thousand Oaks, CA. Kim, Y 2010, Building Broadband: Strategies and Policies for the Developing World, World Bank Publications, Washington, DC. Picot, A 2010, Strategies for Rural Broadband: An economic and legal feasibility analysis, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany. Restivo, S 2005. Science, Technology, and Society: An Encyclopedia, Oxford University Press, New York, NY.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on What is the negative and positive side for the national broadband network? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Shilling, C 2004. The Body in Culture, Technology and Society, SAGE, Thousand Oaks, CA. Wong, D 2009, Wireless Broadband Networks, John Wiley Sons Hoboken, NJ.